Compressed |
 Uncompressed |
The Bootcamp demo from Unity3D using uncompressed textures and using textures
compressed with FasTC-64. The final rendering of the scene is slightly altered and no visible artifacts appear.
The scene uses 156 textures which were compressed in a total of 8.75 minutes by FasTC into BPTC using a single core and general
purpose hardware. The same textures are compressed by the NVIDIA Texture Tools in a total of 13.27 hours.
BPTC Compression
This compression format is also known as
BC7 in DirectX. It
is a format that compresses 4x4 pixel blocks of LDR images into 128 bits of compressed data. This is the first of the "more complex" formats introduced over the past few years
that allow for very high quality texture compression. However, with such a high potential, the search space for compression parameters is difficult to search. Here we go over
some of the methods used to compress textures to BPTC.
For BPTC compression, we present a few different codecs.
- FasTC -- is the codec developed by Pavel Krajcevski during the summer of 2012 at
Intel. It uses the algorithm described in the associated paper appeared in Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 2013.
FasTC-k deontes the compression scheme that uses k steps of simulated annealing. The code is meant to be architecture and platform agnostic, and should run on any PC or
mobile device.
- SegTC -- is another codec developed as a research effort to investigate the effects of precomputing a segmentation of the texture prior to determining the
compression parameters. The algorithm used in this codec is outlined in the associated paper that appeared in High Performance Graphics, 2014.
- DX CPU -- is the DirectX reference codec that shipped with the June 2010 DirectX SDK.
- NVTC -- is NVIDIA's compressor that was released along with the
compression format. The compressor does a good job of producing very high quality encodings but it extensively searches the solution space and is usually best suited as
a baseline for quality compression.
- ISPC -- is a compressor optimized for Intel hardware and
exploits SIMD parallelism. I highly suggest you use this compressor if your platform supports it. The labels in the following measurements are using both the
UltraFast (UF) and Slow (S) settings.
Compression Speed in Seconds
Image |
FasTC-0 |
SegTC |
kodim13 |
5.2 |
0.897 |
264.4 |
783.0 |
~0.015 |
~2.7 |
atlas |
2.7 |
0.592 |
118.5 |
381.7 |
~0.01 |
~1.78 |
small-char |
3.2 |
0.567 |
145.6 |
376.5 |
~0.01 |
~1.78 |
big-char |
13.4 |
2.27 |
544.1 |
1760.9 |
~0.04 |
~7.18 |
Compression Quality in PSNR
Images used:
Note: PSNR calculation taken from the ISPC tool rather than using the same code as FasTC, so the numbers might not be exactly the same.
Close up views of a few of the kodak images with compression:
Context |
Original |
FasTC-50 |
PVRTC Compression
FasTC also implements a novel algorithm based on
this paper. PVRTC
is a compression format the focuses on the worst-case of texture mapping from compressed textures: the instance where you have to filter the
texture across the corners of a block. To adjust for this worst-case scenario, PVRTC focuses on producing the very best
filtered texture
techniques. The result is that compressors have to employ a different set of criteria than other methods. More details can be found in the
original paper.
The premise of the compression scheme in FasTC is that due to the bilerp inherent in PVRTC, the compression parameters should come from the
associated min/max intensities of nearby pixels. We choose intensity because it's the most influential aspect of an
image w.r.t. the human visual system. Since we can only identify one other publicly available compression tool, the
following metrics come from the PVRTC compressor bundled with
Image |
 256x256 |
 256x256 |
 256x256 |
 256x256 |
 256x256 |
 512x512 |
 512x512 |
Speed (ms) |
PVRTexTool |
63.74 |
65.11 |
64.92 |
66.63 |
65.45 |
264.68 |
263.14 |
FasTC |
17.76 |
20.30 |
20.93 |
21.77 |
21.91 |
97.25 |
97.39 |
Quality (PSNR) |
PVRTexTool |
32.35 |
30.97 |
30.43 |
34.47 |
26.35 |
29.80 |
31.37 |
FasTC |
33.63 |
30.17 |
32.09 |
30.01 |
27.44 |
30.20 |
30.75 |
Quality (SSIM) |
PVRTexTool |
0.9850 |
0.9673 |
0.9180 |
0.9620 |
0.9331 |
0.9225 |
0.9111 |
FasTC |
0.9666 |
0.9797 |
0.9488 |
0.9138 |
0.9476 |
0.9531 |
0.9455 |
Source Code
FasTC is a tool for compressing images into various formats. It provides example code for different algorithms that focus
primarily on speed and secondly on quality. Additional information is available via the publicly available
on Github. It is based off of work
done at Intel over the summer of 2012. Currently the tool works on Windows, Linux, and OS X via CMake, and supports compressing
PNG, PVR, and TGA images. Threading is provided via pthreads and the native Win32 threading API where applicable.
The code is available via anonymous git access:
git clone git@git.cs.unc.edu:pavel/FasTC.git
You may browse the repository online from the following location:
The master branch (which is hopefully always stable) is also mirrored on github:
Most of the research on this page is conducted by: