Fast Collision Detection for Deformable Models using Representative-Triangles

Sean Curtis, Rasmus Tamstorf, Dinesh Manocha
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

An animated sequence of a flamenco dancer with 26K vertices, 75K edges and 50K triangles, consisting of 350 frames. We observed up to a 15X reduction in elementary tests and a 4.9X increase in speed on this benchmark. Our new method calculates all self-collisions and inter-object collisions in 200 ms per frame.


We present a new approach to accelerate collision detection for deformable
models. Our formulation applies to all triangulated models
and significantly reduces the number of elementary tests between
features of the mesh, i.e., vertices, edges and faces. We introduce
the notion of Representative-Triangles, standard geometric triangles
augmented with mesh feature information and use this representation
to achieve better collision query performance. The resulting
approach can be combined with bounding volume hierarchies and
works well for both inter-object and self-collision detection. We
demonstrate the benefit of Representative-Triangles on continuous
collision detection for cloth simulation and N-body collision scenarios.
We observe up to a one-order of magnitude reduction in feature-pair
tests and up to a 5X improvement in query time.

Paper (in I3D 2008: Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games) (PDF 2.7 MB)
Slides for I3D 2008 presentation (PDF 4.8 MB)


Video (36MB - DIVX) -- An appendix of the benchmarks used in the paper

Additional benchmarks.
An n-body simulation with 18 K vertices, 51 K edges and 34 K triangles consisting of 374 frames. We observed up to a 9X reduction in elementary tests and a 5.3X increase in speed on this benchmark.

A cloth simulation with 20 K vertices, 60 K edges and 40 K triangles consisting of 1044 frames. We observed up to a 28X reduction in elementary tests and a 5.1X increase in speed on this benchmark.

A cloth simulation with 47 K vertices, 139 K edges and 92 K triangles consisting of 464 frames. We observed up to a 12X reduction in elementary tests and a 4.98X increase in speed on this benchmark using R-Triangles.