Proactive Health Monitoring Using Individualized Analysis
of Tissue Elasticity
Ming C. Lin
Ronald Chen and
Vladimir Jojic
Senior Investigators::
Jun Lian and
Hongtu Zhu
Research Assisants:
Shan (Alex) Yang,
Junbang (William) Liang, and
Tanya Amert
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill System Overview: (a) elasticity parameter
estimation using medical image analysis and biomedical modeling; (b)
longitudinal analysis of patient data against clinical criteria to establish
predictive models; and (c) clinical classifier using machine learning and
individual tissue elasticity. To develop a novel computational framework for proactively
monitoring the wellbeing of at-risk groups through individualized analysis of
tissue elasticity, taking into account of other explanatory variables,
including ages, family history, genetic disposition, chronic conditions, and
other factors. Efficient algorithms for non-invasive, image-based techniques for automatic extraction of tissue elasticity;
New predictive models for cancer staging and grading based on patient-specific parameters;
Novel regression models and inference procedures for survival analysis;
A health monitoring system for at-risk groups based on individual tissue elasticity along with other variables.
Experiment for Multi-Region Elasticity Parameter Reconstruction Tumor-to-Region
ratio 0.022 0.14 0.30 0.49 0.65 0.76 0.85 Region
with tumor 30.63 31.54 39.18 43.93 51.23 61.16 71.01 Region
with normal tissue 29.15 28.89 31.22 30.17 31.49 29.31 30.46 As the
volume ratio of tumor to the embedded region increases, so does the average
stiffness value for the tumor embedded region.
Elasticity Parameter (kPa) 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 Region 1
with tumor 51.23 112.92 157.44 186.78 202.22 254.20 272.58 Region 2
with normal tissue 31.49 28.28 30.04 28.56 27.62 29.61 25.18 As the
tumor becomes more stiff, the average elasticity value in the tumor region increase
as well.
Patient Cancer Stage Correlation Experiment
1. "Simulation-Based Estimation of
Elasticity Parameters for Multi-Body Deformation", Janunary 2014. 2. "MaterialCloning: Acquiring
Elasticity Parameters from Images", November 2014.
This project is supported in part by the joint
NSF-NIH Smart and Connected Health Program:
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NIH Grant Number: R01 EB020426-01