Technical Report
iSound: Interactive GPU-based Sound Auralization in Dynamic Scenes
Continuation of this work : Guided Multiview Ray Tracing for Fast Auralization

Micah Taylor, Qi Mo, Anish Chandak, Christian Lauterbach, Carl Schissler, and Dinesh Manocha

Sound propagation in game scenes: Our system can render plausible acoustic propagation effects in typical game environments while fully supporting dynamic and active scenes.
Continuation of this work:
Guided Multiview Ray Tracing for Fast Auralization (to appear in IEEE TVCG)
Project website

TR10-006 iSound: Interactive GPU-based Sound Auralization in Dynamic Scenes

iSound demo

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This demo shows interactive sound propagation in two indoor scenes and one outdoor scene.
Thanks to Gamebryo for providing an academic license for their development kit. This work was sponsered by the ARO, DARPA/RDECOM, the NSF, and Intel.
Related Links
Acoustic research at GAMMA