[ gamma | hardware acceleration | papers ]

Fast Computation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams Using Graphics Hardware

Kenneth E. Hoff III
hoff [at] cs [dot] unc [dot] edu

Abstract: We present a new approach for computing generalized 2D and 3D Voronoi diagrams using interpolation-based polygon rasterization hardware. We compute a discrete Voronoi diagram by rendering a three dimensional distance mesh for each Voronoi site. The polygonal mesh is a bounded-error approximation of a (possibly) non-linear function of the distance between a site and a 2D planar grid of sample points. For each sample point, we compute the closest site and the distance to that site using polygon scan-conversion and the Z-buffer depth comparison. We construct distance meshes for points, line segments, polygons, polyhedra, curves, and curved surfaces in 2D and 3D. We generalize to weighted and farthest-site Voronoi diagrams, and present efficient techniques for computing the Voronoi boundaries, Voronoi neighbors, and the Delaunay triangulation of points. We also show how to adaptively refine the solution through a simple windowing operation. The algorithm has been implemented on SGI workstations and PCs using OpenGL, and applied to complex datasets. We demonstrate the application of our algorithm to fast motion planning in static and dynamic environments, selection in complex user-interfaces, and creation of dynamic mosaic effects.
Fast Computation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams Using Graphics Hardware

Kenneth E. Hoff III, Tim Culver, John Keyser, Ming Lin, and Dinesh Manocha

SIGGRAPH '99 Presentation
PowerPoint 97

Kenneth E. Hoff III

Interactive Motion Planning Using Hardware-Accelerated Computation of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams
(PDF), (colorplate.tif)

Kenneth Hoff III, Tim Culver, John Keyser, Ming Lin, and Dinesh Manocha

2D Voronoi Demo
PC executable
opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, glut32.dll
press 'h' for help

Kenneth E. Hoff III

3D Voronoi Demo
PC executable
opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, glut32.dll
press 'h' for help

Kenneth E. Hoff III

Mosaic Tiling Demo
(also known as 10,000 point demo)
PC executable, source image
opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, glut32.dll
on-screen instructions

Kenneth E. Hoff III

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Kenneth E. Hoff III
last updated: 10/6/99