Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill

DeformCD: Collision Detection for Deforming Objects

Installation Instructions

Version 1.0 of deformCD is developed by Visual Studio 2005, so currently it can only be used on Windows platform.

For external calling, the following directories will be used:
inc\                            # head files
lib\release\                 # release version of rapid_fit.lib
lib\debug\                   # debug version of rapid_fit.lib


Building Library and Demos

  1. Open deformCD.sln, then build and run it.
  2. To compile and build deformCD, OpenGL will be used.
  3. To compile and build demos, NVIDIA SDK 9.5 will be used for visulization.

Download data file

To run the demos, please download data files from fellowing links:
a. download
and put the extracted ply files into data\dragbun.plys\
b. download
and put the extracted ply files into data\cloth_ball.plys\
c. download
and put the extracted ply files into ../data/balls16_.plys/

DeformCD API

The class ModelShl is designed for representing deforming model and calculating collision between them.



©2003 Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill