Compiling the RVO Library

In this section we describe how the RVO Library is compiled on various platforms.

Windows - Visual Studio 2005

Perform the following steps to successfully compile the RVO Library.

  • Unzip the downloaded file into some directory, here referred to as $DIR.
  • Open the solution $DIR\RVOLIB\RVOLIB.sln into Visual Studio 2005, and select the Release configuration (or alternatively ReleaseST if you do not want to use parallellization).
  • Build the solution. This creates a library file rvo.lib (or rvo_st.lib for the single threaded version) in the $DIR\lib directory, and copies the header files RVOSimulator.h and vector2.h to the $DIR\include directory.
  • Use the rvo.lib file, along with the header files RVOSimulator.h and vector2.h in a third party project.

In the section on using the RVO Library, there is information on how to use the library functionality in your project.