Parameter Description

In this section, we give an overview of all parameters of all objects in the simulation.

Global Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
timeStep float (time) The time step of the simulation.

Goal Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
position Vector2 (distance, distance) The position of the goal.

Agent Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
position Vector2 (distance, distance) The (current) position of the agent.
goalID int The ID of the goal of the agent.
velSampleCount int The number of candidate velocities the agent samples in each time step of the simulation. The higher the number, the more accurate the simulation. The running time of the simulation increases linearly with this number.
neighborDist float (distance) The distance within which other agents and obstacles are taken into account in selecting a velocity. The larger this number, the larger the running time of the simulation. If the number is too low, the simulation will not be safe.
maxNeighbors int The maximum number of neighboring agents and obstacles that are taken into account in selecting a velocity. The larger this number, the larger the running time of the simulation. If the number is too low, the simulation will not be safe.
radius float (distance) The radius of the agent.
goalRadius float (distance) The radius of the goal region around the goal position of the agent. An agent is defined to have reached its goal when it is within a distance goalRadius from its goal position.
prefSpeed float (distance/time) The preferred speed of the agent.
maxSpeed float (distance/time) The maximum speed of the agent.
safetyFactor float (distance) The weight that is given to the "time to collision" when penalizing a candidate velocity for the agent (vs. the distance to the preferred velocity). The higher this value, the "safer" or the "shyer" the agent is. The lower this value, the more "aggressive" and "reckless" the agent is. Its unit is distance.
maxAccel float (distance/time2) The maximum acceleration of the agent.
velocity Vector2 (distance/time, distance/time) The (current) velocity of the agent.
orientation float (radians) The (current) orientation of the agent.
class int The class of the agent. The class can be used by a visualizer to distinguish among different classes of agents. Its value does not have any effect on the simulation.

Obstacle Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
point1 Vector2 (distance, distance) The first endpoint of the line segment obstacle.
point2 Vector2 (distance, distance) The second endpoint of the line segment obstacle.

Roadmap Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
automaticRadius float (distance) The radius for which the mutually visible vertices of the roadmap should automatically be connected by edges when the simulation is initialized. The radius specifies the tolerated distance to obstacles of the line between two roadmap vertices in order for them to be mutually visible. If negative, no edges will created in addition to the manually specified ones.

Roadmap Vertex Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
position Vector2 (distance, distance) The position of the roadmap vertex.

Roadmap Edge Parameters

Parameter Type (unit) Meaning
vertexID1 int The ID of the first roadmap vertex of the edge.
vertexID2 int The ID of the second roadmap vertex of the edge.

Note that the edges are undirected.