[Differences with Prior Work]
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[Release Notes]
Differences with Prior Work
- I-COLLIDE requires that models are decomposed into (unions of) convex polytopes. V-COLLIDE can handle any polygonal model, without requiring topological cleanliness.
- V-COLLIDE does not contain any I/O routines.
- V-COLLIDE requires that input polygons be triangulated.
- I-COLLIDE reports the distance between objects, but V-COLLIDE only reports when pairs of objects collide.
- V-COLLIDE supports dynamic addition or deletion of objects from the environment.
- V-COLLIDE keeps track of where objects are, so that if objects do not move between queries their locations need not be resupplied to the collision detection system.
- V-COLLIDE supports many simultaneous objects, where RAPID only handles two.
- RAPID can report exactly which pairs of triangles collide, but V-COLLIDE only reports to object precision.
Geometric Algorithms for Modeling, Motion, and Animation
Copyright © 1997-1998. Last modified: September 1, 1998.
Maintained by: geom@cs.unc.edu.